Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Parody Gets Praise!

“This clip from the comedy duo Stuart Brazell and Stefanie Seifer of DirtyandThirty is pretty amazing. It’s called “Plank Space,” and these women totally nail the inner dialogue we have with ourselves when it comes to trying to balance everything during the hectic holiday season.” – Self Magazine

Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Parody Proves the Struggle is Real.


“I’ve got a blank space baby, and I’m filling it with Dirty and Thirty‘s new parody video, on repeat! The awesome and creative masterminds behind the Dirty and Thirty blog, Stuart Brazell and Stefanie Seifer, knocked their “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift parody out of the park… or should I say, planked the heck out of it! They put their own spin on this song and kept the lyrical aspects in tact. Since the holidays are coming around, this video couldn’t be more true. I know I could make a cheat meal last all weekend!” -NRPR Group


“Most of us wish ‘cheat day’ was every day – unless you’re like me…it kinda is every day! This group of women have the perfectly summed up what you’re really thinking when working out – check out ‘Plank Space’!” – Kiss Fm



Stefanie Seifer

I created this site to inspire others to create and pass it on!

  1. I love this parody of Plank Spaces as I asked women what their biggest challenge is with losing weight and they replied FOOD & EXERCISE!!

    This video sums up their challenges!

  2. I was just looking at your Taylor Swift’s Blank Space Parody Gets Praise and I give it praise.